2nd International Conference “Contemporary Ergonomics challenges in Europe” Riga, 26th of November 2015
Conference was LIVE STREAMING and record is available HERE:
1.Part. 2nd International Conference “Contemporary Ergonomics Challenges in Europe”
2. Part. 2nd International Conference “Contemporary Ergonomics Challenges in Europe”
Conference language: English.
Available presentations:
Zenija Roja, Dr.med., Eur.Erg., President of Latvian Ergonomics Society, University of Latvia asoc.professor
Henrijs Kalkis, Dr., Eur.Erg., Board member of Latvian Ergonomics Society, Riga Stradins University, assist. professor
- Actualities in Labour Protection in Latvia
Renars Lusis, MSc., Director of the State Labour inspectorate, Latvia - Recent Developments in Occupational Health and Safety in Latvia – Shift Towards Musculo-sceletal Disorders
Ivars Vanadzins, Dr.med., Director of Institute for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, Riga Stradins University, Latvia - Current and forward looking issues in Occupational Safety and Health in Europe
Sylvain Leduc, Dr., Eur.Erg., President of the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES), France - The case for professional certification in ergonomics in Europe
Bernard Dugué, Dr., Eur.Erg., President of Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE), France - Evaluating the effectiveness of the labour inspection in Switzerland in preventing psychosocial risks
Margaret Graf, Dr., Eur.Erg., Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs – Working Conditions, Head of Occupational Health (Research) Division, Switzerland - Ergonomics education in Switzerland
Thomas Stüdeli, Dr., Eur.Erg., Associate Director Human Factors Engineering at Merck Serono S.A. / Ares Trading S.A., Switzerland - The impact of the mobility and the digital transformation.
Caroline Bringand, Ergonomist & Service Designer, France - Contemporary low cost EMG application and quality
Märt Reinvee, M.Sc., University of Life Sciences, Estonia - The Qualimetry Ergonomics of Labour.
Daniil Maksimov, PhD in Economical Sciences, Russia - A “prevention method” from organization perspective
Maria Niessen, MSc.,Eur.Erg., Expert at the HR Health & Safety Department ING Netherlands, Netherlands
Financial support:

Latvian Ergonomics Society

In collaboration with FEES and CREE

VIDEO RECORD of the 2nd International Conference “Contemporary Ergonomics Challenges in Europe”