
Organization of workshops and workshops for companies, institutions and organizations

MASTER CLASS 1: Ergonomics for office workers

  • Work at the computer. Comfort or discomfort? Ergonomic solutions. Basic principles of ergonomics.
  • Practical relaxation exercises for the back, arms, legs, eyes, their practical demonstration, involvement of listeners.
  • Chronic fatigue and burnout in the work environment. What to do? Self-relaxation techniques.

The class is led by competent, certified European specialists in Ergonomics (Eur.erg.), Certified physiotherapist-occupational therapist, internationally certified specialists, doctors.

Group size: up to 20 people.

MASTER CLASS 2: Ergonomics for manual workers – production, objects, outdoor workers, etc. :

  • The role of ergonomics in promoting health at work.
  • A practical part with a demonstration of how to properly lift, push, pull and move heavy loads.
  1. Basic principles of ergonomics.
  2. Weight transfer methods in accordance with the basic principles of ergonomics.
  3. Assistive products for weight handling.

Group work, practical exercises: weight transfer, following the basic principles of ergonomics.

The class is led by competent, certified European specialists in Ergonomics (Eur.erg.), Certified physiotherapist-occupational therapist, internationally certified specialists, doctors.

Group size: 10 to 15 people.

MASTER CLASS 3: Principles of Ergonomics for Improving Employee Performance and Conflict Resolution

  • Resolving modern conflicts in the work team.
  • Improving the professional performance of employees.

*The class is led by certified competency development coaches, coaching specialists with practical work experience in conflict resolution in organizations.

Group size: up to 20 people.

MASTER CLASS 4: Stress management and autogenic training

  • Practical lesson (with the involvement of listeners): stress management and autogenic training.

*The lesson is led by a certified neurologist and an internationally certified hypnotherapist.

Group size: up to 20 people.

MASTER CLASS 5: Ergonomics and efficiency of organizations

  • The role of ergonomics in business promotion.
  • LEAN and ergonomics: the basis for business efficiency and employee well-being at work.
  • Basic principles of LEAN philosophy.
  • LEAN most popular tools and methods.

Practical examples and situation analysis with the involvement of participants, how to implement the basic principles of ergonomics and improve the business efficiency of organizations.

*The class is led by competent, certified European specialists in Ergonomics, business consultants and LEAN experts, lecturers of Latvian universities and colleges.

Group size: up to 20 people.

MASTER CLASS 6: Design solutions for an ergonomic work environment

  • Practical lesson: Design solutions for an ergonomic work environment.

*The lesson is led by a certified design specialist.

Group size: up to 20 people.

Latvian Ergonomics Society offers to enterprises, organisations and institutions such lectures:

  • Basic Ergonomics
  • Role of Ergonomics in Modern Changing Work Environment
  • Work With Computers. Comfort or Discomfort?
  • Psychoemotional relaxation
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrom. Solutions
  • Stress Management
  • Practical Ergonomics Risk Assesment Methods at The Workplaces
  • Violence and Stress at the Workplaces. Solutions
  • School Ergonomics
  • Contemporary Ergonomics and Early Work Rehabilitation. Early Rehabilitation Essence in MSD Prevention
  • The Essence of Physiotherapy in Early Rehabilitation
  • Physiotherapy in early rehabilitation
  • Ergonomic design in offices. Practical Solutions.
  • Ergonomics and Psihoemotional Stress at Work. Solutions. Autogenic Training
  • Physical exercises at the workplaces. The practical application. Demonstrations.
  • Physical exercises for the back, arms, legs, eyes. The practical demonstration. The audience involvement.
  • Ergonomic role in business development
  • Ergonomics at Work – a successful business foundation
  • Decision-making in an ethical dilemma cases
  • Conflict management
  • LEAN and Ergonomics
  • Work design and human-centered approach

Our services already are used by companies:

  • JSC Aldaris
  • Coca-Cola HBC Latvia
  • JSC “Cēsu alus”
  • Abbott Laboratories Baltics
  • State Limited Liability Company “Riga Psychiatry and Addiction Centre”
  • L `oreal Baltic SIA
  • JSC “Latvijas valsts mezi”
  • LTD DS Smith Packaging Latvia
  • JSC Latvijas Finieris
  • LTD Clean R
  • etc.

Ergonomic risk assessment and consultation services

Latvian Ergonomics Society collaborates with professionals in ergonomics risk assessment in Latvia

If You would like to obtain more information about our services, please contact us directly:


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