
April 26, 2020, Eur Erg. Henrijs Kalkis participated in seminar as Key Speaker with topic “Ergonomic Business Environment – Success for Organizations in Longterm Development” organzied by Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) that  promotes business development in Latvia.  24th of September, 2013.
LES seminar in colaboration with  SIA Silvanols “Ergonomics approach to persons with disabilities – integration in contemporary labour market” 5th of March, 2014 Presentation provided with permission of author (copyrights remains) Ergonomics approach to persons with disabilities – integration in contamporary labour market (in Latvian)Konstantins Bormasovs, Riga Social Service, President of Latvian Ergo-therapist Association, certified Ergo-therapist
NEW CONFERENCE: Ergonomics and Effective Business Development (2nd of October, 2014) Conference organized in collaboration with Latvian Business Effectiveness Association in the framework of International Ergonomics month. Presentations: Ergonomics essentials in Today`s Business, Zenija Roja,, Eur.Erg.Stress Management and Stress as Risk Factor in Business Environment, Inara Roja,, Internationaly certified doctor-hypnoterapistErgonomics and Safety Culture – Effective Business Promotion Dagnis...
Dr. Henrijs Kalkis is board member of Latvian Ergonomics Society and assistant professor at the University of Latvia and carries out the research at the Penn State university.  The full article is available HERE
University of Latvia professional master study programme “Work Environment and Expertise” students gained theoretical and practical skills and competences at the Latvian beer company JSC Cesu Alus manufacturing plant.
In the framework of the European Ergonomics month on 29th of October, 2015 Latvian Ergonomics Society members participated at the organisation Spectre Latvia. Main topic was Ergonomics solutions at the sewing enterprise. Our members were introduced with the manufacturing plant and in constructive discussions they developed solutions for minimizing ergonomics risks at work.
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated.

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