
University of Latvia professional master study programme “Work Environment and Expertise” students gained theoretical and practical skills and competences at the Latvian beer company JSC Cesu Alus manufacturing plant.
In the framework of the European Ergonomics month on 29th of October, 2015 Latvian Ergonomics Society members participated at the organisation Spectre Latvia. Main topic was Ergonomics solutions at the sewing enterprise. Our members were introduced with the manufacturing plant and in constructive discussions they developed solutions for minimizing ergonomics risks at work.
2nd International Conference “Contemporary Ergonomics challenges in Europe” Riga, 26th of November 2015 2015 CONFERENCE PROGRAM Conference was LIVE STREAMING and record is available HERE: 1.Part. 2nd International Conference “Contemporary Ergonomics Challenges in Europe” 2. Part. 2nd International Conference “Contemporary Ergonomics Challenges in Europe” Conference language: English. Available presentations: Ergonomics actual challenges in Latvia Zenija...
In collaboration with Latvian Ergonomics Society and Master study program “Work Environment and expertise” Venue:  19th of February, 2016, 3:00 PM, University of Latvia, Faculty Of Chemistry, Jelgavas Street 1, Academic Center of Natural Sciences Session Leaders: professor Ženija Roja and assistant professor Henrijs Kaļķis Conference language: Latvian Conference handout materials (in Latvian): Ž. Roja. Actualities...
Sylvain Leduc, certified European ergonomist, assistant professor of Aix-Marseille University, France International guest lecture “Occupational Ergonomics. Experience in French speaking countries” organized by Riga Stradins university in collaboration withLatvian Ergonomics Society, Riga, 7-8th of April, 2016. Students, professors and Latvian Ergonomics Society members obtained knowledge on Ergonomics experience in French speaking countries. The handout of...
3rd International Conference “Actualities of Ergonomics in Nowadays” on 14th of October, 2016 in Riga. Conference program is available here for more information. Conference is organized in the framework of University of Latvia master study programme “Work Environment protection and expertise” in collaboration with Latvian Ergonomics Society, Sanofi-aventis Latvija, in relation to 10th anniversary of Latvian Ergonomics Society
Practical seminar at the Stora Enso enterprise in Latvia held on 19th of May, 2016. Latvian Ergonomics Society members gained theoretical and practical knowledge on ergonomics and safety issues.
The seminar took place on 21 March 2017 LEB seminar was held in cooperation with AS Olainfarm. LEB members listened to the following topics: Impact of human factors on the outcome of treatment processes Lecturer: Evia Palchey, Mg.soc., Children’s Clinical University Hospital Work stress. Neuro-ergonomic solutions. Lecturer: Ināra Roja,, Riga 1st Hospital Presentation of...
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated.

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Dr. Henrijs Kalkis carried out research at the Penn State university, USA.
Radio recording – Radio NABA
University of Latvia scientific conference No. 78. session Ergonomics and Work Environment, Industrial Engineering

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