
📅 On October 29, at the seminar of the Latvian Ergonomics Society “Smart work and psycho-emotional balance”, professionals from various fields were gathered. OSH specialists, process managers and also students to discuss the rapid arrival of smart work and its impact on employee well-being and work efficiency.🔍 As we found out in the seminar,...
On the 13th of June 2024, the Latvian Ergonomics Society in cooperation with the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Laboratory of Riga Technical University (RTU) organised a seminar “Personal Protective Equipment Compliance: ergonomics and innovations”. Professor Inga Dāboliņa, Head of the RTU PPE Laboratory, shared the latest developments in PPE testing and test application. LEB members...
On October 25, 2023, LES President Ženija Roja and board Member Henrijs Kaļķis welcomed colleagues from the Estonian University of life Sciences (Tartu, Estonia) for their 25-year anniversary since conducting study courses in ergonomics and speaking at an international seminar organised with the presentation “Organisational Ergonomics: Trends and challenges in modern Business Environment”.
On October 20, 2023, the Latvian Ergonomics Society organised a seminar “Modern perspective on ergonomic risks at work and preventive measures”, in which not only LES members participated, but also students and former graduates of several LU study programmes. Those present learned the latest trends in ergonomics in Latvia and the world. The presentations offered...
On 30th March 2023, seminar “Exoskeletons. Human at the work environment, reducing fatigue and avoiding injuries” was organized  by the Latvian Ergonomics society and Hartico OÜ. The aim of this seminar was to educate participants both theoretically and practically about the importance of exoskeletons, how a proper exoskeleton can prevent work injuries, reduce fatigue by...
October, which is the European Ergonomics Month, is here, so we are planning an interesting seminar on Human-oriented design. We invite you to the seminar organized by the Latvian Ergonomics Society. g. October 21 at 16:00 (in Latvian). The seminar will take place remotely on the Zoom platform. If you are interested, please apply by...
The Latvian Ergonomics Society organizes a seminar related to the challenges of teleworking and health promotion. We invite LES members and other interested parties to participate in the seminar. To participate in the seminar, please apply by until June 8, 2021. Members: freeFor other interested parties: 35 Eur, which must be transferred to the...
On September 19, 2019, the Latvian Society of Ergonomics organized a seminar in cooperation with SIA Lindstrom – “SIA Lindstrom experience: ergonomic solutions at work”. The seminar took place at SIA LINDSTROM, where the sales manager of SIA LINDSTROM told more about ergonomic solutions at work: Kalvis Indzers. During the seminar, visitors had the opportunity...
LES seminar in colaboration with  SIA Silvanols “Ergonomics approach to persons with disabilities – integration in contemporary labour market” 5th of March, 2014 Presentation provided with permission of author (copyrights remains) Ergonomics approach to persons with disabilities – integration in contamporary labour market (in Latvian)Konstantins Bormasovs, Riga Social Service, President of Latvian Ergo-therapist Association, certified Ergo-therapist
In the framework of the European Ergonomics month on 29th of October, 2015 Latvian Ergonomics Society members participated at the organisation Spectre Latvia. Main topic was Ergonomics solutions at the sewing enterprise. Our members were introduced with the manufacturing plant and in constructive discussions they developed solutions for minimizing ergonomics risks at work.
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated.

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