
Members of the LES participated in the Forum organised by Mission Zero on October 20, 2023, which addressed an important issue for employers and employees – physical health of human beings, health checks and preventive measures for the preservation of ability to work. LES Board and University of Latvia professors Ženija Roja and Henrijs Kaļķis...
On February 13, 2020, the Latvian Ergonomics Society organized a seminar “Healthy nutrition and its role in health promotion” in cooperation with Ewopharma, where Jolanta Ozola, Head of Ewopharma AG in Latvia, spoke in detail about the topic Healthy Nutrition and its role in health promotion. Ženija Roja, Henrijs Kaļķis (in Latvian) Mūsdienu aktualitātes ergonomikā Watch...
On May 30 and 31, 2019, guest lectures by Professor Andris Freivalds of the University of Pennsylvania “Fundamentals of Ergonomics” and “Fundamentals of Ergonomics and Cognitive Ergonomics” took place at the University of Latvia Nature House, Jelgavas Street 1. Pennsylvania State University Professor Andris Freivalds is a certified, professional ergonomist. He has developed research in...
University of Latvia professional master study programme “Work Environment and Expertise” students gained theoretical and practical skills and competences at the Latvian beer company JSC Cesu Alus manufacturing plant.
Sylvain Leduc, certified European ergonomist, assistant professor of Aix-Marseille University, France International guest lecture “Occupational Ergonomics. Experience in French speaking countries” organized by Riga Stradins university in collaboration withLatvian Ergonomics Society, Riga, 7-8th of April, 2016. Students, professors and Latvian Ergonomics Society members obtained knowledge on Ergonomics experience in French speaking countries. The handout of...

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated.

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