
July 6, 2020
Venue:  06th of March, 2020, University of Latvia, Faculty Of Chemistry, Jelgavas Street 1, Academic Center of Natural Sciences The conference section is organized to gain experience in scientific and practical research on the work environment, ergonomic risks in the work environment, which is closely related to the engineering sciences needed today. It will definitely be...
On February 13, 2020, the Latvian Ergonomics Society organized a seminar “Healthy nutrition and its role in health promotion” in cooperation with Ewopharma, where Jolanta Ozola, Head of Ewopharma AG in Latvia, spoke in detail about the topic Healthy Nutrition and its role in health promotion. Ženija Roja, Henrijs Kaļķis (in Latvian) Mūsdienu aktualitātes ergonomikā Watch...
On September 19, 2019, the Latvian Society of Ergonomics organized a seminar in cooperation with SIA Lindstrom – “SIA Lindstrom experience: ergonomic solutions at work”. The seminar took place at SIA LINDSTROM, where the sales manager of SIA LINDSTROM told more about ergonomic solutions at work: Kalvis Indzers. During the seminar, visitors had the opportunity...
On May 30 and 31, 2019, guest lectures by Professor Andris Freivalds of the University of Pennsylvania “Fundamentals of Ergonomics” and “Fundamentals of Ergonomics and Cognitive Ergonomics” took place at the University of Latvia Nature House, Jelgavas Street 1. Pennsylvania State University Professor Andris Freivalds is a certified, professional ergonomist. He has developed research in...
In collaboration with Latvian Ergonomics Society and Master study program “Work Environment and expertise” Venue:  08th of March, 2019, University of Latvia, Faculty Of Chemistry, Jelgavas Street 1, Academic Center of Natural Sciences Session Leaders: professor Ženija Roja and associate professor Henrijs Kaļķis Conference language: Latvian Conference handout materials (in Latvian): Henrijs Kaļķis ERGONOMISKĀS SLODZES INDIKATORI...

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated.

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