
On the 13th of June 2024, the Latvian Ergonomics Society in cooperation with the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Laboratory of Riga Technical University (RTU) organised a seminar “Personal Protective Equipment Compliance: ergonomics and innovations”. Professor Inga Dāboliņa, Head of the RTU PPE Laboratory, shared the latest developments in PPE testing and test application. LEB members...
On 23rd if February 2024, the University of Latvia in collaboration with Latvian Ergonomics Society organised a session “Human Factors, Ergonomics and the Working Environment, Industrial Engineering” within the framework of the International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. The conference was attended by more than 95 participants and the latest findings in the...
The Latvian Ergonomics Society, in cooperation with the University of Latvia,on 24th of May, 2023 organised the international scientific conference “Professional Ergonomist in Today’s Business Environment”, which was attended by the world’s leading scientists and experts in the field of ergonomics. Conference program: Human factors and ergonomics development in Latvia,  Prof. Zenija Roja and Prof....
On February 17, 2023, the Latvian Ergonomics Society organised a section entitled “Human factor, ergonomics and Working Environment, industrial Engineering” within the framework of the International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. More than 100 participants participated in the conference and our society members, Latvian and foreign students and leading professionals in the field...
LES would like to invite you to participate in the meeting of the section “Ergonomics and Work Environment, Industrial Engineering” of the 80th International Conference of the University of Latvia. Those interested have the opportunity to present a conference or report at the conference. Application by February 5, 2022, theses must be submitted electronically in...
On March 5, 2021, the 79th scientific conference section of the University of Latvia “Ergonomics and Work Environment, Industrial Engineering” took place in cooperation with the Latvian Ergonomics Society. The conference section was held remotely and was attended by almost 80 participants. Presenters at the conference presented practical and theoretical research results and topics were...
Venue:  06th of March, 2020, University of Latvia, Faculty Of Chemistry, Jelgavas Street 1, Academic Center of Natural Sciences The conference section is organized to gain experience in scientific and practical research on the work environment, ergonomic risks in the work environment, which is closely related to the engineering sciences needed today. It will definitely be...
In collaboration with Latvian Ergonomics Society and Master study program “Work Environment and expertise” Venue:  08th of March, 2019, University of Latvia, Faculty Of Chemistry, Jelgavas Street 1, Academic Center of Natural Sciences Session Leaders: professor Ženija Roja and associate professor Henrijs Kaļķis Conference language: Latvian Conference handout materials (in Latvian): Henrijs Kaļķis ERGONOMISKĀS SLODZES INDIKATORI..., Eur Erg. Henrijs Kalkis participated in seminar as Key Speaker with topic “Ergonomic Business Environment – Success for Organizations in Longterm Development” organzied by Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) that  promotes business development in Latvia.  24th of September, 2013.
NEW CONFERENCE: Ergonomics and Effective Business Development (2nd of October, 2014) Conference organized in collaboration with Latvian Business Effectiveness Association in the framework of International Ergonomics month. Presentations: Ergonomics essentials in Today`s Business, Zenija Roja,, Eur.Erg.Stress Management and Stress as Risk Factor in Business Environment, Inara Roja,, Internationaly certified doctor-hypnoterapistErgonomics and Safety Culture – Effective Business Promotion Dagnis...
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated.

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University of Latvia scientific conference No. 78. session Ergonomics and Work Environment, Industrial Engineering
LES seminar “Human Factor and ergonomics”
Additional copies of the book “Human Factor and Ergonomics at Work” are available

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