
Henrijs Kaļķis, a member of the Board of the Latvian Ergonomics Society, professor and researcher at the University of Latvia, is conducting a study entitled “Ergonomic stress indicators in contemporary technological work environment and possibilities of its improvement in social-technical system “Human-Machine-Environment””. The main goal of the research is to determine the indicators of ergonomic...
Member of the Board of the Latvian Ergonomics Society, prof. Henrijs Kaļķis is a co-author of the latest book about LEAN (book in Latvian). See more information below:
We invite you to participate in the virtual congress organized by the International Ergonomics Association, which will take place June 13 -18, 2021. The congress will discuss current issues related to the human factor and ergonomics, industry 4.0. and the role of new 5G technologies. To apply for this congress, please submit your application on...
In accordance with the October 30, 2020 decision of the President of Latvia and the Chapter of Orders the highest Latvian state award – the Order of the Three Stars is awarded to the Zenija Roja who is president of the Latvian Ergonomic Society, Associate professor of the University of Latvia, certified occupational diseases and...
Member of the Board of the Latvian Ergonomics Society, prof. Henrijs Kalkis talks about the impact of ergonomics on business. Prof. Henrijs Kalkis has studied and done an internship outside Latvia for several years.. He is now the director of the new professional bachelor’s study program “Industrial Engineering”. Often the first associations with the word...
Nowadays, stress is an integral part of everyday life. In small doses, it motivates thinking and action. But if there is too much stress, it negatively affects a person’s physical and mental well-being. At present, the Latvian society does not have sufficient information about preventive measures to reduce or prevent stress, psychophysical self-regulation techniques. Therefore,...
Many have heard of computer ergonomics, but few have thought about its essence. Computer ergonomics allows an institution, company or other work organization to skillfully organize and manage work processes, provide employees with an orderly and healthy work environment, achieve the set goals, gain an efficient workforce and a positive reputation. Scientists have shown that...
Short annotation: We live in an age of rapid environmental, demographic and technological change. The introduction of new work models and new technologies has created new challenges for ergonomics professionals. Every sector of the economy is increasingly focused on increasing productivity, technological development, ensuring entrepreneurship and the long-term competitiveness of the organization. Production automation and...
Dr. Henrijs Kalkis is board member of Latvian Ergonomics Society and assistant professor at the University of Latvia and carries out the research at the Penn State university.  The full article is available HERE
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated.

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